Wednesday 19 January 2011

KS: Research task: TEEN DRAMA

This conventional TV Drama narrative style has a linear structure formed of 3 sections to the opening. First the characters are established and ask to meet the girlfriend, next we meet her, and finally the title animation. The characters are traditionally introduced with a series of mid shots and the use of text on the side so the audience is able to develop a visual presentation then are given the characters name and personal information. The form of this clip included a non digetic voice over, a traditional technique to position the main character with the audience and to develop his perspective on the narrative; the establishing of location and stock characters, and lastly the use of titles on a graphic background and the special effects which create a game style to the piece. 'Scott Pilgrim' represents post modern styles, a break with conventions with inter-textual references to 'Star Wars' and the art of gaming.


  1. I think a thriller genre will be a lot more dramatic and successful also easier to create an individual idea, do you agree? This does have an interesting combination of special affects and real life footage though.

  2. Yes I definitely agree. I also think that teen drama is hard to adapt to our background as the American influence is so strong. It would be hard to come up with a plot that would be appropriate for our resources.
