Monday 28 March 2011

KS: Film research and ideas

To continue with our film editing and filming process I have researched further films based on the prop doll and the theme and genre of our film, psychological thriller. After finding an excellent site for film clips, '' and using '' for further research we were able to gather influences from previous films.

This clip from 'Saw' shows the prop 'Jigsaw' a very creepy doll with great use of voice over and montage editing, similar styles to our film opening. I particularly like the use of zooms into the face, and cuts from different angles of the prop to establish it but also create a disjointed sense. We previously never considered using stills as flashes cut during our movie footage, apart from just flashes of the dolls face, here however through the handy cam footage, stills have been edited in very successfully, a technique we should consider using. I also noticed when watching, the use of 'old film' editing effect has been overlayed throughout, we discussed using this for some of the footage, rather than all, however it has proven to significantly decrease the quality of the images.

'Child Play' is a similar thriller film based around the doll prop which torments people. I like how the is a static prop then suddenly turns to life, the movement in the eyes is something we aim to portray in our final shoot tommorow, 29th March.

After researching on 'movie clips' I also found the film 'The Shining' which has many of the same locations and props we chose for our film opening. This clip I found below shows very sinmilar footage to our 'wallpaper scene', a strong wallpaper setting with blood dripping down it. The costume used for the possessed style girls, rein-acting dolls are the exact style we aimed to create. The use of the jump cuts, so the girls progressively move forward is a technique we used for our 'Wilderness Woods-The Hooded' film, and a technique we will consider using as we continue to edit. The zooms, directional light and strong use of the prop blood are very sucessfully used both here and in our film opening. The flashes also work very well here, however we aim to speed these up, similar to how compression of time is used in the begging of this clip, as the young boy rides around.

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