Friday 11 March 2011

Preliminary Task Evaluation

By embarking in our preliminary task and creating a short continuity edited clip we were able to shoot and edit as if a continuous line of action. By creating a two way dialogue clip we were able to experiment and test out continuity editing before our real shoot. It was important we filmed the lines of characters dialogue seperately so when we edited it we could cut on action and create a smooth line of action. When editing we were able to look over our footage and edit it suitably with traditional horror conventions of the dramatic music and red colour wash. A continuity edited video means eyeline match is very important so the conversation feels real and doesnt jump between shots, a style we carefully aimed to create.

Although our location was very challenging to work in due to the size and the lighting we were still able to sucessfully create a continuity edited clip. The size of the location meant the tripod did not always fit in and so part of the footage was filmed in 'handy cam'. Although we tried to encorporate this into the film style the eyeline match wasnt perfect and the camera did suddenly cut and jar at parts. Particularly when Lilli steps forward to Kitty, the camera does not follow so it does not look like a continuous shot. For our real opening we aim to use directional light to create stark lighting and heavy shadows on the characters face, obsuring them into darkness, a film noir technique, however due to few possible locations available with mirrors in them we were not able to create this effect.

When editing we cut the footage on action to create a smooth line of action and experimented with both fonts and credits as research before our real film opening. We also used the 'Vertigo' style red colour wash which we particularly liked as it had tradition horror colour conventions. However we must now choose between the film noir style black and white, red colour wash or a warm sepia tone colour wash as seen in the openings of 'Se7en' and 'Vantage Point'. When it comes to shooting our film opening we will be using continuity edited footage to break up sequences of montage edited stills so it was important we tested out this particular type of shooting and editing.

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