Monday 14 February 2011

KS: Location Recce

It was important we observe and analyze various locations before deciding to use them in our 2 minute film opening. We will go on a location recce, taking stills and filming footage which we will then edit to create a montage style piece based on horror/psychological form openings we have previously analysed. Shots I think we should film include:

  • A dolls house, interior (ECU) and exterior (CU) as seen in 'The lovely bones' from a eye level angle
  • A doll, panning shot on her in her environment, (ECU) of eyes
  • A (LS) exterior of a dolls style house
  • Handy cam footage with zooms, and tracking of an underground cellar setting similar to image bellow
  • A graveyard with the possessed main character present in the shot
  • A playground with a moving swing
  • A (LS) of a large warehouse style empty room/ a psychiatric bare room with a plain bed and girl sitting awkwardly on

1 comment:

  1. The use of a basement in our piece would be particularly chilling. It conveys feeling of isolation and darkness, which are both feelings that our main character will have. The doll also looked very creepy, we should think of looking at a variety of dolls (this may be good for the montage, to create a sense of them watching).
